Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Future of VR: Voice Control with Meta's Hey Meta Voice Assistant


Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has launched an AI voice assistant for its virtual reality headsets. The voice assistant, called "Hey Meta," can be used to control VR apps and games, as well as to get information and answer questions.

The Hey Meta voice assistant is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, and it can understand natural language commands. This means that users can simply speak to the voice assistant to control their VR experience. For example, users can say "Hey Meta, launch Beat Saber" to launch the Beat Saber game, or "Hey Meta, what's the weather like today?" to get the weather forecast.

The Hey Meta voice assistant is still under development, but it has the potential to make VR more user-friendly and immersive. It is also a step towards Meta's goal of creating a metaverse, a virtual world where people can interact with each other and with digital content.

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